Tuesday, November 18, 2014


  Today I give you all a double feature. I give two monsters that are not as appreciated as say some the other monsters that I have discussed. First off, I give you Biollante.

  Height: 85 Meters (Rose Form)
               120 Meters (Final Form)

  Length: 100+ Meters

  Weight: 100,000 Tons (Rose Form)
                200,000 Tons (Final Form)

  Film Appearances: Godzilla Vs. Biollante (1989)
                                 Possible monster for Godzilla 3 (2020)

Ah, yes, Biollante. This monster is the true definition of unique. Her backstory, and yes I said her, was created out of a contest that Toho Studios were allowing at the time. Anyone could create their own monster and Godzilla story/script, after the success of Godzilla (1985) aka. Rebirth of Godzilla or Return of Godzilla laid the foundation of upcoming monster films. Her story is that after the final attack of Godzilla in 1985, Special Forces units from all across the globe try to attain any remains or skin samples of the indestructible creature himself. A sample of skin/scales were ceased and tested on various flora and fauna to see what the effect of the radiation had after being separated from Godzilla. As tension begins to heat against all countries, more and more people try to recollect the sample but only to realize that the experimentation had resulted in creating a creature that has not fully developed. What we see in the beginning is that of a rose, dwindling and crying. However, that rose becomes a full fledged beast, molting from a non moving flower to a monster capable of laying waste to anything around it. Her abilities and attributes are not to be taken lightly either as Godzilla himself would find out.

Abilities:  In rose form, she has the ability to summon mouthed vines as a form of defense.
                Very acid like sap or spray.
                Turn to golden particles and retreat, healing all wounds regardless from whom.
                 In Final form she retains all abilities, but is able to spray large quantities of acid sap/spray.
                 Incredible durance in final form.
                 Size over her opponents.
                 Enhanced regeneration.
                 Speed despite her size.

Biollante in her Rose Form


  Before you ask, yes she similarities with the evil plant from Little Shop of Horror. Despite her look even her abilities and strength, she is an immortal creature. With the rise of monster films and the confirmation of two more Godzilla films and a Destroy All Monsters reboot by Gareth Edwards, there may very well be a chance that we will see Biollante in the third installment of Legendary's Godzilla Trilogy, or we will see her in the Destroy All Monsters reboot. She is so widely under appreciated because of the low box office performance of her film but has since undoubtedly gained popularity and mainstream recognition and the fans are leaning heavily for her return in the new trilogy. I for one would love to see her in all of her glory and lets face it, the story she had before was in a sense grounded and somewhat realistic. She can work in Edwards grounded trilogy just like that but maybe change some things slightly but yea, I would think she can make a great monster in and out of the Godzilla franchise. As always, if you have a monster you want me to talk about or have any questions, leave a comment down below. If not, then prepare to stop the Apocalypse when the Pacific's deadliest Kaiju comes through the Rift.

Fan created poster for the third Godzilla sequel. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Guardian of the Cosmos

  My apologies, I have forgotten about this whole thing, but anyway today I give you a different kind of monster, an insect to be more precise, but nothing that is creepy, I give you…Mothra.

Mothra in Godzilla Final Wars

Mothra in Larval form in Godzilla and Mothra Battle for Earth



                 Film Appearance:   Showa- Mothra (1962)
                                                 Godzilla vs. Mothra (1964)
                                                 Ghidorah: The Three Headed Dragon (1964)
                                                 Ebirah: Horror of the Deep (1966)
                                                 Destroy All Monsters (1968)
                                   Heisei- Godzilla and Mothra: Battle for Earth (1992)
                                                Rebirth of Mothra (1996)
                                                Rebirth of Mothra II (1997)
                                                Rebirth of Mothra III (1998)
                             Millenium- Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All Out Attack (2001)
                                                Godzilla Tokyo S.O.S (2003)
                                                Godzilla Final Wars (2004)
                            Legendary- Godzilla 2 or 3 (2018-2020)          

  To start out, Mothra is that one monster that is strong but also weak at the same time if that makes much sense. She is the Yin to Godzilla's Yang, always the force meant to stop Godzilla and protect the cosmos and an occasional ally to the big guy himself. Starring in her first stand alone film in 1962, she represents the nature side of the world. Mothra is depicted as a force of nature, protecting the earth and destroying what threatens the planet. At least that is her main role amongst the film. By no means is she a monster hell bent on destruction, she just wants tranquility and peace where as, lets say, Destroyah, want pure chaos and death.

  She is the first deitie or goddess to be prayed to by a lost civilization. She looks over her servants of Infant Island, birth place of Mothra and her larve. The prayers of said servants give her power and strength and often is the calling to action where ever there is trouble. In Godzilla Final Wars, her story was that she was protecting the planet from Gigan, an alien monster as well as take on the new threat of Keiser Ghidorah. Though I said she is amongst the weakest monsters, she's given Godzilla a really hard time, thwarting him with her own abilities and powers.

  Abilities:   Silk Spray (Larval form)
                   Head Beam (Adult form)
                   Lightning (Adult form)
                   Darts (Adult form)            
                   Scales (Adult form)
                   Evolution (Rebirth of Mothra Trilogy only-Larva successors of Mothra herself)
                   Kamikaze Attack (Adult form)
                   Time Travel (Rebirth trilogy only)

  Mothra also has a way of communicating to human via small twin fairies that are there to warn humans of their arrogance. The fairies are also the ones who can call upon her at anytime. She is also the only one to communicate to other monsters such as Godzilla and Rodan. Now when she is in the heat of battle, she can last for only so long and if she knows she can't win, her last defensive attack is triggered which is the use of her scales which is covered in poison that can immobilize any monster unless they have immense healing properties. In the event that Mothra does die, her Larva offspring sense her death and act upon as the last attackers becoming more powerful to finish the job. In most cases, Mothra has to successors but only one is ever the next one in line and the other disappears into an unknown state of limbo. In the Rebirth trilogy, as Mothra dies, her successor come in the form of Mothra Leo in which you can argue is male or not. Through changing conditions Mothra Leo has to adapt to environments such as the sea, time travel, and tougher opponents such as Grand King Ghidorah.

Mothra Leo

Armored Mothra Leo

Sea Mothra Leo 

Cretaceous Mothra

  She has also been confirmed for one of the two Godzilla sequels by Gareth Edwards and Legendary Pictures but no official line up has been announced. A Fierce monster in her own right, she can hold her own and is not short of beauty. Mothra is amongst the one monster that female audiences love and and appreciate but is only nudged from the number one spot as cutest monster by Baragon. As always, if you have a monster you would like me to cover, leave a comment down below and I will pick it up after the next monster on the list. If you have questions, feel free to ask but if not have a good one and catch you next time.

Possible Mothra concept?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Devastating Duo

  Welcome back for the next monster or I should say monsters for this week. I give the recently shown and unknown M.U.T.Os.

M: Massive
U: Unidentified
T: Terrestrial
O: Organism

Height:  Female                Male
              340 ft (roughly)   180-260 ft (roughly)

Weight: Unknown (Both)

Length: Unknown (Both)

Wingspan-Male: Unknown

Film Appearance: Godzilla (2014)

  These two are the newly discovered threat to not only the planet but to Godzilla himself. Before reading further, there may be spoilers up ahead and if you don't want to hear it the TURN BACK NOW!!! In Gareth Edwards revival of Godzilla, he included two new original monsters that never had any other appearance in a Godzilla film that have a unique backstory. In the film, a mining company had drilled deep into a cave striking a large radiation deposit which is where these two where located. Dr. Serizawa arrives to be told what the miners had found and then he goes to have a look as well. upon entering they find the colossal skeletal remains of a creature with two cocoon or husk like structures, one of which had already opened and hatched, broke out and headed towards Janjira. The first structure that had hatched was the male M.U.T.O that would attack the Janjira Nuclear Plant, destroying it in the process moments later in the film. The second cocoon housed the female M.U.T.O. Later on in the film, Dr. Serizawa states that the two creatures are parasites that feed off the radiation and were the number one rival to Godzilla's species. They also have an unseen larval state after they hatch, we only see them when they are fully matured. It is said to be that the skeletal remains are that of a previous Godzilla but I have a very hard time with that. There is too many ribs that would make this creature more than five times that size of Godzilla in film that stands at 355 ft.

  Note that Dr. Serizawa said that it was a creature like Godzilla, not a Godzilla or species of Godzilla. Anyway, these two are a threat that is not to be taken likely none at all.

  Even though they are parasites, they show immense qualities of mammals, insects, and primates. They way they appear is somewhat confusing. They almost seem to have an exoskeleton like that of insects along with the difference in size and the way the female carries her young just like that of some spiders, yet there are many parts of them that has flesh. The way they move resembles apes and birds. They way they show affection and love is like that of mammals.

 Truly complex creatures and in some cases make you feel for them. They also have a slew of abilities that back up their lethality as well.

Abilities-Female: Extreme endurance to human fire power.
                            Use of EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse)
                            Physical strength
                            Reproduction through the use of nuclear radiation of nukes or reactors
                            Ranged ability(?) Fire(?)

Abilities-Male: Extreme endurance to human fire power
                         Physical strength

  One on one against Godzilla in reality is not very likely due to his strength, power, and abilities that he has alone but when the two of them attack together like a couple of wolves or lions, they are very hard to take down. If Ford hadn't intervened when he did in the film, it is more than likely that they could have killed Godzilla. This is most likely how they fought Godzilla's species millions of years ago was to double team on one and not go toe to toe alone. I personally would like to see a return of one or more  of these creatures in the sequels or in Gareth Edwards Destroy All Monsters reboot in the future like Gyaos of the Gamera films.

Suggested layout for the skeleton of both M.U.T.O.s 

  A deadly pair of creatures that are the bane of Godzilla's existence that without a doubt can cause more devastation than Godzilla himself. Two creatures that are the unbalanced factor to nature, two creatures that share a love and a goal. The most complex monsters that have a feeling…two that aren't to be taken lightly. As always I will see you next week with a new monster, most notably a guardian of the cosmos. If you have a monster you want me to cover, question, comment, leave a message down below.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

America's Monster

  Didn't think to see me back so soon? Well, I had nothing better to do but today I bring you America's definitive monster despite if people hate him or not…with out further ado I give you Clover.

  Height: 240-300 ft.

  Weight: 5806.04 Metric Tons

  Length: 1200 ft

  Film Appearance: Cloverfield

 Today I give you Clover…a strange monster in himself since he is not of common lineage to other monsters. Before you go off griping that King Kong was the first monster, he was just a freak of nature where as Clover is something much more than an creature, and his own story is that much more interesting than that of Kongs. It was said by Matt Reeves, director of Cloverfield, that Clover was just an infant and given the stature and analysis given, a fully matured sentient creature could easily triple or quadruple the statistics that I have provided. Also it must be noted that Clover is not, I mean NOT, an alien, he is an unknown amphibious life form.
  Though his abilities are severely limited, he does have:
            extremely thick skin or hide
           Incredible tolerance to high pressure as he does originate from most likely a deep undersea           crevasse          
           great physical strength
           immense endurance to human weaponry.
  Since the monster depicted in film was an infant, it garnered a unique defense/attack system that not many other monsters have, that is the ability to carry human scaled parasitic life forms. These parasites are something that will kill without having a hard time. The bite wound inflicted by these creatures have some type of unknown bacteria that if entered to a foreign body, will devastate the victim from the inside out. There isn't much of a detailed analysis of the bacteria itself but it attacks everything in the body and it kicks in only minutes after the bite from the parasite. The victim will experience severe nausea, weakness, lower motor functions, and then will develop blood coming from the nose, eyes, and ears before imploding outwards.

One parasite that comes from Clover.

  In terms of the film, there were a lot of things that we had to engage our brain, in which most likely was the cause for the dislikes for the film but none the less it had valuable hints and clues. (SPOILER) At the end of the film, after the credits, you hear a very static voice saying, "Help us…" and if you play it backwards you hear, "It's still alive…" I personally believe that Clover is still alive, he was hit and peppered by many rockets, artillery, tank shells, missiles, and a carpet bombing. They never found a body, that is enough to make me believe he is still alive.      

Early theory concept art based on trailers.

  Above is the hidden message from the end of the film if you don't believe me, but anyways thank you for stopping by and another post will be up soon. Got questions? Monsters? I'm all ears, until then, I will catch you next time.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Guardian of the Universe

 Thought I would have something from the Godzilla franchise? Not this time. Today I bring you the Guardian of the Universe…Gamera…

Height:  60 meters (Showa)
              80 meters (Heisei)
              35 meters (Millenium)

Length:  65 meters (Showa)
              90 meters (Heisei)
              55 meters (Millenium)

Weight:  80 (Showa)
              120 (Heisei)
             1200 (Millenium)

Films: Gamera aka Gamera: the Invincible (1965)
           Gamera vs. Barugon (1966)
           Gamera vs. Gyaos (1967)
           Gamera vs. Viras (1968)
           Gamera vs. Guiron (1969)
           Gamera vs. Jiger (1970)
           Gamera vs. Zigra (1971)
           Gamera: Super Monster (1981)
           Gamera: The Guardian of the Universe (1995)
           Gamera: Attack of Legion (1996)
           Gamera: Revenge of Iris (1999)
           Gamera The Brave aka Son of Gamera (2006)
           Gamera(?) (2015)
           Godzilla vs. Gamera via DeathBattle on youtube.com (2014)

  All right…Gamera…where oh where to begin? Well, Gamera is the second hand monster that grew in the wake, in the shadows of Godzilla's success. He has two origin stories that make him an icon, and one of those being a mind blower at best. This monster was said to have originally came from a mutation when man had began atomic testing (much like Godzilla) except he was encased in an glacier not know by anyone until he awoke. His second origin story is (in my opinion) more solid, concrete and unique. In his second series, it was said that he was created by Atlantians…yes, that is what they said in the film, made by the lost civilization of Atlantis…to battle what would become a main stay in the rest of the Gamera films, Gyaos.
  Unlike Godzilla however, Gamera does not have as many abilities nor the physical attributes that Godzilla has. Though he is unique in that he is able to fly much like a combination of a jet and an u.f.o. due to how he looks when he is traveling.
His other abilities include:  Fire Breath
                                           Fire Balls
                                           Fast Healing Properties
                                           Mana Blast or Ultimate Plasma Blast
                                           Vanishing Fist
                                           Tolerance to heat, cold, nuclear radiation, and electricity
                                           Fire Ball Ejection Suicide
                                           Bond with a human host

  The human host aspect of Gamera is unique in that he is the only known monster other than Iris to become linked with a humans bond. In order to be linked, one, with Gamera, the host must have a stone that can't be found anywhere else besides him or in a sacred place of birth. Once the bond has been established, the host will feel what he feels, hear his thoughts, his decisions, and importantly his pain. If Gamera has been cut, bruised or badly injured, the host will ultimately feel the same pain and have the same inflicted injuries, if he retreats to heal, the host will do the same and draws the energy from them to heal. However, this bond may only last for such a length of time that there may be a point where Gamera cuts off the bond and the only thing the previous host feels is the presence and his thoughts.
  This monster isn't dumb either. He was able to trick many of his opponents and he knows what is at stake if he can not do his duties. In Gamera The Brave, (spoiler)…he sacrificed himself with the Fire Ball Ejection Suicide to destroy an overwhelming amount of Gyaos so that they could not become the danger of the world. In the same film, we see where his son (Toto) comes from and how each Gamera matures  and powers up. Along the same lines, he can draw mana from the earth to either use for a mana blast which he uses from the floral pattern on his chest or to help speed up his healing process.

The King Ghidorah of the Gamera series: Gyaos

   I know I may catch some type of hell from other people but if he were to face an opponent such as Godzilla, Gamera will fail despite his certain abilities. To me this is proof…

and I'm not bashing on him, in fact he's my second favorite monster to date, just wouldn't fit in with Godzilla. Fun fact, Gamera one of a few that the female audience enjoy seeing along side Baragon, Little Godzilla/Godzilla Jr., and Mothra.
  As always, stay up to date each week for a new monster and if you have questions, I will answer them. If you have a monster that you want me to talk about on the next set, let me hear 'em. Catch you guys and gals later.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

True Evil

  Today I bring you the only enemy (in my opinion) that is stronger, more powerful, more deadly, and able to kill Godzilla and his lineage…Destroyah.

Height: 120 meters (Final form)
             60 meters (Aggregate form)
             2-20 meters (Juvenile form)
             1mm-10cm (Micro form)

Length: 230 meters (Final form)
              65 meters (Flying form)
              40 meters (Aggregate)
              2-18 meters (Juvenile)
              3mm-30cm (Micro)

 Wingspan: 210 meters (Final)
                    80 meters (Flying)

Weight: 80,000 tons (Final)
             15,000 tons (Flying & Aggregate)
             260 tons (Juvenile)
             0.5-15kg (Micro)

 Films: Godzilla vs. Destroyah (1995)

Destroyah in all of his demonic beauty.

   The true definition of not only chaos but evil. This kaiju is a very unique creature, though he has only appeared in one film. Destroyah, in his infant form, was only an ancient crustacean that was irradiated by the Oxygen Destroyer that was created by Dr. Serizawa from the original Godzilla film back in 1954. With not only size to his advantage, he has a devastating array of powers that make him deadly. He also has one trick that can do at will that will always through off his opponents, he is able to multiply, create multiple creatures, and assemble back into three different "final" forms.
   His role in the franchise was to symbolize or become "Death" as well as be the to kill Godzilla. Before the idea of Destroyah was finalized, he was put in place for Bagan (will cover in a later post). This monster is truly a force to be reckoned with.
  The powers Destroyah wields is immense. He has the ability to change from a Juvenile form into his Final form (shown above) at any time. Plus as a whole, he is possibly composed of hundreds of individual creatures. His horn, can cut through any substance, any material at whim. He is able to generate an Oxygen Destroyer like weapon from his chest, in which his floral pattern would open. Though for ranged capabilities, he is able to generate a kind of pulse beam like King Ghidorah but unlike King Ghidorahs, Destroyah's beam creates an implosion upon impact, obvious if done to a human, not so against another monster.  Despite his size, he is able to move quite fast, using it to his advantage to separate Godzilla Jr. from Godzilla Sr. and successfully "killing" Jr.

Destroyah's Micro Form

Destroyah's Juvenile/Aggregate Form

Destroyah's Flying Form

Destroyah's Final Form

The fight between Destroyah and the dying Godzilla Sr. 

  One huge downfall to such a devestating creature is his ability ti withstand certain temperatures. Destroyah is not hindered by extreme heat but is hindered by extreme cold, or even worse, the inclusion of both. He was not killed by Godzilla, shockingly. He was actually killed by the military with their inclusion of using weapons that only yield extreme cold temperatures, in attempts to keep the destruction of Godzilla Sr. to a minimum when he approached critical condition (I will try to elaborate this in a different post shortly).
  Either way you look at it, he is more than capable to kill the King of the Monsters and any other monster singlehandedly. Destroyah is by far the most deadly monster that any living soul could ever encounter. A horrible abomination? A deadly force? True evil? I say yes to all, do you? Thanks for tuning in and another monster will be up shortly. If you have a monster that you want me to discuss or go into further depth, just holler. Until next time.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

King of Kings

 I guess I should start out with the number one kaiju that started it all...Godzilla.

Height: 50 meters-Showa 54-75 (First Series)
           80 meters-Heisei 85-89 (Second Series
           100 meters-Heisei 91-95
            55 meters-Millennium 99-2000, 02-03 (Third Series)
            60 meters-Millennium 01
           100 meters-Millennium 04
           108.2 meters-Legendary Films 2014
Length: 100 meters-Showa
            190 meters-Heisei
            212.5 meters-Heisei
            122.5 meters-Millennium
            120 meters-Millennium
            100 meters-Millennium
             167.7 meters-Legendary Films

Weight: 10,000 tons-Showa
             50,000-60,000 tons-Heisei
             25,000-55,000 tons-Millennium
             90,000 tons-Legendary Films

Filmography: Godzilla (1954)
                     Godzilla Raids Again (1955)
                     King Kong Vs. Godzilla (1962)
                     Godzilla Vs. Mothra (1964)
                     Ghidrah, the Three-Headed Monster (1964)
                     Godzilla Vs. Monster Zero (1965)
                     Godzilla Vs. the Sea Monster (1966)
                     Son of Godzilla (1967)
                     Destroy All Monsters (1968) 
                     Godzilla's Revenge (1969)
                     Godzilla Vs. Hedorah (1971)
                     Godzilla Vs. Gigan (1972)
                     Godzilla Vs. Megalon (1973)
                     Godzilla Vs. Mechagodzilla (1974)
                     Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)
                     Godzilla 1985 (1985)
                     Godzilla Vs. Biollante (1989)
                     Godzilla Vs. King Ghidorah (1991)
                     Godzilla & Mothra: The Battle for Earth (1992)
                     Godzilla Vs. Mechagodzilla II (1993)
                     Godzilla Vs. Spacegodzilla (1994)
                     Godzilla Vs. Destoroyah (1995)
                     Godzilla-aka: Zilla (1998)
                     Godzilla 2000: Millennium (2000)
                     Godzilla Vs. Megaguirus (2000)
                     Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack (2001)
                     Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla (2002)
                     Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. (2003)
                     Godzilla: Final Wars (2004)
                     Godzilla (2014)
    First appearing in 1954 from the imagination of Ishiro Honda, this monster stomped his way through Tokyo, Japan in the Post-World War II era. His first film appearance was in Gojira (1954) and from then on to star in over 28 films and multiple cameo's in multiple films and television series from 1955 to most recently 2014.
    Godzilla has had multiple origin stories all ranging from the time of dinosaurs to being created by atomic testing done in the South Pacific. In his first film he was considered to be a dinosaur thought to be extinct with other large predators, but isn't. In the recent 2014 Legendary film, Godzilla is said to be among the first alpha-predators when the earth was still highly radioactive, hence his size, look, and abilities (those I will get to shortly). Other films elaborate that he was created by the atom bomb shortly after the end of the second world war.
    After everything was said and done, Godzilla quickly became a representation, a motif, of nuclear destruction. He was created out of our arrogance to control one another, and in that arrogance came a force so strong, so devastating that nothing that we had could harm him. Nature vs. man. A note to add, while he his meaning stayed the same through out most films, he was also given other meanings in later films such as GMK with; "never forget about those who sacrificed their lives for their homeland, to not be forgotten by newer generations".
  Yet it only took the mind of one mind to create a weapon that could destroy him. Dr. Serizawa created what would become known as the Oxygen Destroyer. Plausible to construct, unknown if it would work, the weapon opens a capsule in the center of the structure, unleashing a wide array of chemicals that take away any oxygen in a certain range, and if there are any living organism caught inside the effective range of the Oxygen Destroyer, they are reduced to nothing but skeletal remains. (One draw back of this weapon however, is that it only saw use once and only once that brought a very deadly consequence associated with it. The Oxygen Destroyer gave rise to a monster that would appear in the last film of the second series who is known as Destroyah.)
   Godzilla was ultimately killed with the Oxygen Destroyer along with Dr. Serizawa (you can watch Godzilla: King of the Monsters to find out why) but none the less returned again and again facing not only the attempts of the military but also other kaiju. His wide array of abilities include but are not limited to: atomic breath, endurance, magnetism, flight, fast healing (Regenerator G1), tail slide, nuclear pulse, intelligence, durability, extreme tolerance to heat upwards 5,000 degrees Celsius,  and adept to live in the ocean.
    No matter the beating he takes, no matter the size of his foes, Godzilla prevails in most cases. To those who are new to this whole thing, you probably wouldn't expect Godzilla to be much more than a destructive beast, but you'd be wrong. He is in fact a caring father to his son, Minya (Minilla), in which he would fight, walk to the ends of the earth, and die for. He teaches his son everything that he needs in order to make him the next king of the monsters. Films in which show case this act by the king span from the Showa series with Son of Godzilla (1967) to the last film of the Heisei series in Godzilla vs. Destroyah (1995). While he is a loving father, Godzilla is known to acknowledge the presence of human beings (depending on his role in said film) and may even feel for those who try to do him harm such as seen in Legendary's Godzilla.
   A destructive force created by us, a caring father, a god among men; he is the definitive favorite of many. Godzilla was the first kaiju to be known world wide and he most certainly wont be the last. If you have a monster that you want me to talk about or if you have questions about Godzilla in general, leave a comment down below and I will do my best to give you an answer. There may be another post of Godzilla down the line with more information on him since he is the most known, I don't want to overload you with so much information. Be ready for a new kaiju soon and take care!