Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Devastating Duo

  Welcome back for the next monster or I should say monsters for this week. I give the recently shown and unknown M.U.T.Os.

M: Massive
U: Unidentified
T: Terrestrial
O: Organism

Height:  Female                Male
              340 ft (roughly)   180-260 ft (roughly)

Weight: Unknown (Both)

Length: Unknown (Both)

Wingspan-Male: Unknown

Film Appearance: Godzilla (2014)

  These two are the newly discovered threat to not only the planet but to Godzilla himself. Before reading further, there may be spoilers up ahead and if you don't want to hear it the TURN BACK NOW!!! In Gareth Edwards revival of Godzilla, he included two new original monsters that never had any other appearance in a Godzilla film that have a unique backstory. In the film, a mining company had drilled deep into a cave striking a large radiation deposit which is where these two where located. Dr. Serizawa arrives to be told what the miners had found and then he goes to have a look as well. upon entering they find the colossal skeletal remains of a creature with two cocoon or husk like structures, one of which had already opened and hatched, broke out and headed towards Janjira. The first structure that had hatched was the male M.U.T.O that would attack the Janjira Nuclear Plant, destroying it in the process moments later in the film. The second cocoon housed the female M.U.T.O. Later on in the film, Dr. Serizawa states that the two creatures are parasites that feed off the radiation and were the number one rival to Godzilla's species. They also have an unseen larval state after they hatch, we only see them when they are fully matured. It is said to be that the skeletal remains are that of a previous Godzilla but I have a very hard time with that. There is too many ribs that would make this creature more than five times that size of Godzilla in film that stands at 355 ft.

  Note that Dr. Serizawa said that it was a creature like Godzilla, not a Godzilla or species of Godzilla. Anyway, these two are a threat that is not to be taken likely none at all.

  Even though they are parasites, they show immense qualities of mammals, insects, and primates. They way they appear is somewhat confusing. They almost seem to have an exoskeleton like that of insects along with the difference in size and the way the female carries her young just like that of some spiders, yet there are many parts of them that has flesh. The way they move resembles apes and birds. They way they show affection and love is like that of mammals.

 Truly complex creatures and in some cases make you feel for them. They also have a slew of abilities that back up their lethality as well.

Abilities-Female: Extreme endurance to human fire power.
                            Use of EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse)
                            Physical strength
                            Reproduction through the use of nuclear radiation of nukes or reactors
                            Ranged ability(?) Fire(?)

Abilities-Male: Extreme endurance to human fire power
                         Physical strength

  One on one against Godzilla in reality is not very likely due to his strength, power, and abilities that he has alone but when the two of them attack together like a couple of wolves or lions, they are very hard to take down. If Ford hadn't intervened when he did in the film, it is more than likely that they could have killed Godzilla. This is most likely how they fought Godzilla's species millions of years ago was to double team on one and not go toe to toe alone. I personally would like to see a return of one or more  of these creatures in the sequels or in Gareth Edwards Destroy All Monsters reboot in the future like Gyaos of the Gamera films.

Suggested layout for the skeleton of both M.U.T.O.s 

  A deadly pair of creatures that are the bane of Godzilla's existence that without a doubt can cause more devastation than Godzilla himself. Two creatures that are the unbalanced factor to nature, two creatures that share a love and a goal. The most complex monsters that have a feeling…two that aren't to be taken lightly. As always I will see you next week with a new monster, most notably a guardian of the cosmos. If you have a monster you want me to cover, question, comment, leave a message down below.


  1. I really loved these monsters. I never knew that they were just created for the movie. I'd like to think that they might have one in the next movie. I feel as if it will be a Jurassic park 3 aspect. Something bigger and badder will show up out of nowhere to destroy the monster, and well, try to kill GODZILLA!

  2. I'm not really into movies like these but I found this post really interesting!
